Back to Abnormal

“And many people are getting vaccinated, and countries are opening up … and finally we are ready to go back to our normal lives”. That is what all people are waiting to hear.

But imagine coming back to a life that will never look like what we were used to before. That is where imagination and reality meet. Yeah! We will miss those days, but a new life with different style is about to be created. Challenge will be the fuel that direct all leaders, especially pharma leaders.

In the post covid-19 world, pharma leaders will always ask this question

Is all the money and efforts spent on digital initiatives worth it?

Many were wonderful, some were cost-effective, others weren’t even worth the effort to write them down on a slide deck.

This transition became the gate to a new world where many companies are mixing cumulative experiences from the old days and the new.

On one hand, with many patients using telehealth solutions, will healthcare professionals spend as much time physically present as before at their clinics? Would this drive more activities towards the platforms they use to interact with those patients? Would exposure via media opportunities be paid, earned, shared, or owned? As a result, many questions pop up about the sales teams’ interactions and if they will be terminated with the need for face-to-face exchanges becoming less.

On the other hand, unprecedented use of medication delivery services will undoubtedly change the dynamics of reaching out to healthcare professionals and how they can advise their patients about their medications, and usage instructions and challenges…etc. As a result, the way companies promote their medications and educate users will have to be adapted, especially the ones that need some instruction on medication administration and precautions …etc.

Pharma leaders came up with creative and effective initiatives that helped their companies to get through these difficult times, but you need to be ready for the new challenge of the post covid-19 era as we are not really going back to what we were used to; but rather we are going back to the ……

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